The MultiplEYE core data collection comprises gathered eye-tracking data in multiple languages from reading of various types of texts, including comprehension questions. It includes the eye movement data at different stages of the process along, with other relevant data (e.g. experiment data, questionnaire data). Eye-tracking data will be collected from both native readers and second language learners, with the goal of covering a broader population in terms of age and socio-economic background compared to the existing corpora. Moreover, the data collection may also encompass low-cost eye-tracking and self-paced reading experiments. In addition to the core data collection, contributors are free to include the collection of additional data, such as assessing participants’ cognitive and linguistic skills via psychometric testing.
All data will be openly available for the research community in various formats on a shared database called the MultiplEYEStore. The database is established in collaboration with the research data center of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID), ensuring the data’s findability and searchability. Additionally, the data is stored at PsychArchives for long-term archiving.
We invite all labs with eye-tracking equipment to participate in the MultiplEYE data collection. Each contribution is not only a valuable part of creating something entirely new but also adds meaningful value to the research field.