WG5: Dissemination

The Dissemination Working Group will coordinate with the other four groups to ensure timely dissemination of the results through various channels. Firstly, it will promote and coordinate the publication of the results on scientific venues (conferences and journals) and advertise these via the COST Action’s website and social media channels. Working Group 5 will further coordinate the publication of software and data on public repositories and will be responsible for creating and maintaining an informative website presenting the COST network, its activities and research outputs. This Working Group will further be in charge of handling conference grants for junior researchers and open access publication costs and, lastly, of writing the final project report.


  • Science communication plan
  • Project website 
  • Social media channels 
  • Open access publications 
  • Final report on dissemination activities



University of New York in Tirana, Albania

Email: evistrandafili@unyt.edu.al