Training Schools serve to help the Action achieve their MoU Objectives and deliver impact with regards to:
• Capacity Building: Allowing COST Actions to provide training for Researchers and Innovators in highly specialised topics which are essential for the Action. They are the tool for transferring know-how among all types of actors and building interdisciplinary expertise;
• Research Coordination: Training Schools can also be used for reaching specific results (e.g., data collection or analysis, training on methodologies developed by the Action) in support of the objectives of the COST Action.
Training Schools benefit to:
1. Trainers:
- Networking with colleagues and next generation of researchers working in the same area;
- Setting the “standard” and/or shape new and emerging areas of knowledge;
- Developing and improving their own materials.
2. Trainees:
- Meeting and networking with peers and leaders of the area and, build the next generation of researchers;
- Getting critical knowledge and skills to deepen their own research;
- Creating potential for career opportunities.
! Training Schools will be announced on the official webpage on time (Upcoming events section), and communicated via Slack and/or email to all the participants.
! Depending on the budget, the Action will reimburse several candidates. All the necessary criteria will be listed along with each call.
Check out past Training Schools
Training school on data collection in Zagreb
The training school will take place on January 23-25 2025 in Zagreb, Croatia, at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. The training school will bring together individuals who are planning to collect data for the MultiplEYEEyetracking-while-Reading Corpus (see in their lab. The goal is to provide hands-on training and address…
Training School: Enabling Multilingual Eye-Tracking Data Collection for Human and Machine Language Processing Research
With the support of the MultiplEYE COST Action CA21131, in Kaunas Technical University, organized a three-day training school in Lithuania, on April 27-28. Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) was founded in 1922. Currently, 7298 students are studying at KTU, of whom 1141 are international students. The main purpose of the training school was to introduce…