Experiment Design and Methodology WG2 meeting

The WG2 Experiment Design and Methodology meeting occurred on 21-22 January 2025, at the DesignLab and BMS Lab at the University of Twente, Netherlands. The meeting was organized by Cengiz Acartürk, Funda Yıldırım, and Duygun Erol Barkana. Researchers from WG 1 and WG 2 attended the meeting.
On the first day, after a warm welcome, Cengiz Acartürk presented the research plan. A keynote speaker, Prof. Martin Schmettow from the University of Twente, presented “Design and validation of the ultra-low-budget eye tracking system YET”.  Attendees engaged in fruitful discussions during sessions, concluding the day with a dinner that allowed for informal conversations.
The second day began with a keynote presentation “Eye Tracking Education Starter Pack” from Prof. Simone Borsci and Peter Slijkhuis at the University of Twente. The day continued with more insightful talks and discussions, moderated by Cengiz Acartürk, Funda Yıldırım and Duygun Erol Barkana, and ended with planning of various tasks which are
i) finding best-practice articles to identify methodological approaches of eye tracking in reading research,
ii)  finding what people have reported in the methodology sections of the articles that report reading data,
iii) finding how researchers performed the analysis of eye-tracking data,
iv)  preparing video recordings of the experiment setup, data collection, and data analysis and
v) bringing the reports together and prepare one or two articles.
The meeting participants are assigned to the tasks. The schedule has been decided together with the participants.
