Funded Projects 2025

MultiplEYE DK – Contributing eye-tracking data from Danish, Italian, and West Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)

The project “MultiplEYE DK – Contributing eye-tracking data from Danish, Italian, and West Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)” is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation for the grant period March 2025 – March 2027. The project team consists of Patrizia Paggio, Alberto Parola and Johanne Sofie Krog Nedergård, from the University of Copenhagen, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (

The aim of this project is to contribute Danish, Italian, and West Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) to the international MultiplEYE corpus of eye-tracking data. Danish is especially important to include in the MultiplEYE eye-tracking corpus due to the inconsistent relationship between orthography and phonology. Kalaallisut is particularly interesting because it has an extremely complex morphology, and no studies currently exist of how such a language is read or processed psycholinguistically. Italian is known for having a transparent orthography, offering an interesting comparison with Danish; moreover, very few studies have currently investigated reading behavior with eye-tracking in Italian.
