- The language leak: the statistics of language as a novel window into the multilingual mind. Awarded to Stefan Frank by the Dutch Research Council. 2023-2027.
- Language emergence and development in the absence of a conventionalized linguistic model. Awarded to Funda Yildirim by BIDEB, Jan 2019-Dec 2022.
- External research grant from the Foundation for Research in Science and the Humanities at the University of Zurich to partially fund the data collection.
Title: “Creating a Multilingual Eye-Tracking Corpus for Human and Machine-Based Language Processing” - Internal funding from Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich for setting up data management system and data repository.
- External research grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Croatian Science Foundation collection.
Title: “Measurement Reliability of Individual Differences in Sentence Processing” - External industry funding from EyeLOGIC GmbH (Berlin) who is willing to lend one eye-tracker to the Action’s researchers.
Negotiations in progress - External grant for data management & storage by Swiss Universities.
Grant application under review.
Funded Projects (December 2022)