MultiplEYE Pre-registration Form

    Please note that the pre-registration form
    cannot be edited after submission. All
    fields are necessary.

    We recommend carefully reviewing the entered information to avoid any
    typos. If you need to make changes or corrections after submission,
    please contact us directly via email at

    1. Contact Information

    Note: This should be the contact information of the principal
    investigator/professor/responsible researcher.

    2. Provide a title for your dataset

    As a part of the COST Action Project “MultiplEYE”, the title of your
    dataset should be named accordingly and should be used consistently.
    The title is composed of the terms “MultiplEYE”, the tested language,
    the name of your country, the name of your city, your identifier, and
    the year when your data collection ends.

    Note: Please use ISO-639-1 codes (only language codes consisting of 2 letters) for the representation of names of languages and use ISO-3166 codes for country names (only country codes consisting of 2 letters). If this is your first data collection for MultiplEYE, please choose data identifier “1”.






    example: MultiplEYE_EN_UK_London_2_2025

    3. Pre-registration for core data collection vs. add-on data collection

    Please specify here if you would like to pre-register for the collection of a core dataset or an additional dataset (see the MultiplEYE Data Collection Guidelines (section 1) for definitions of core and additional data collection.

    4. Please specify your lab devices

    4.1. Precise name of eye tracker:

    Eye-tracker name:

    Eye-tracker manufacturer:

    Description of eye tracker camera system:

    Example: Desktop mount / tower mount / long-range mount camera / webcam

    Do you intend to collect data using more than one eye tracker (i.e. data collection using two or more eye tracking devices)? Please also select yes, if you use, for example, two EyeLink Portable Duo eye-trackers. Note that we do not recommend using multiple devices to collect the data!

    4.2. Please provide information on the computer operation system (OS) you will use in your lab

    Name of computer operation system:

    Example: Windows 10, macOS 14 Sonoma

    4.3. Specify the monitor

    Precise name of monitor:

    4.4. Specify the resolution in pixels of the display screen

    Note: First field is horizontal measurement, second field is vertical


    Example: (1920, 1080) pixels

    4.5. Please specify the size of the display screen in centimeters

    Note: The screen size without frame must be
    at least 37 cm (horizontal) by 28 cm (vertical).


    Example: (54.4, 30.3) cm

    5. Please specify the distance between the participant and the display
    screen in centimeters

    Please refer to our Data Collection Guidelines
    (section 11.3)
    for instructions on how to measure the distance from the eye to the screen.

    Note: The distance is the eye-to-screen distance for monocular testing
    (measured in cm, 90 degree angle). The obligatory distance is 60 cm.

    Please, confirm that the distance in your lab is 60 cm by checking the box.

    If it is not possible to stick to this distance, please inform us and specify the actual distance below.

    Actual distance in cm:

    Example: 52

    6. Please specify whether the script of the tested language is written from left to right (ltr) or from right to left (rtl)

    Script direction:

    Example: rtl

    7. Additional information

    A. Will you prepare or have you prepared the stimuli for your language on your own, or will you use stimuli prepared by another lab for the same language? Please select below.

    B. Do you also intend to collect data from psychometric tests? It is strongly encouraged to run all of them.

    Lewandowsky et al. Working Memory Capacity (LWMC) battery

    Rapid automatized naming: RAN task

    Cognitive control: Stroop task

    Cognitive control: Flanker task

    Metalinguistic aptitude: PLAB

    Vocabulary test: WikiVocab
