MultiplEYE Stimulus Deviation Documentation Form

    Please note that if you would like to describe deviations for different texts, or provide additional information, you may fill in multiple forms, and the information will be aggregated in the background.

    When describing deviations or instances in this form, please ensure strict adherence to data protection regulations. Do not include any personal information (e.g., real names) in this form without the signed consent of the individuals concerned.

    Provide the title for your study which you have already pre-registered with us

    Note: Please use ISO-639-1 codes (only language codes consisting of 2 letters) for the representation of names of languages and use ISO-
    codes for country names (only country codes consisting of 2 letters).






    Example: “MultiplEYE_DE_DE_Berlin_1_2024”

    1. Information about text

    Please, indicate here which text the following information about deviations refers to.


    Note: Specify the language from which the text was translated. The default language is English. Use ISO-639-1 for the representation of names of languages.

    Language translated from:

    Language translated to:

    Examples: English=EN, Ukrainian=UK

    Was the translated version of the text publicly available in the desired language, or did you and your team have to translate it?


    2. Text Deviations

    State any deviations, changes or amendments that might have occurred within the translation or preparation of the stimulus text (any changes or corrections within the original text are not allowed). Translation deviations or errors only apply if the translation differs from the original.

    Examples for deviations or errors which might need correction: typos or spelling errors; punctuation errors; minor grammar errors (such as verb tense); missing words; wrong word order.

    Specify where in the text (translated version) the deviation occurred by providing the page number.

    Note: Find page number in the excel file “multipleye_stimuli_experiment_[lanuageCode].xlsx”, see column forpage number.

    Location in the text:

    Provide the original paragraph or sentence to which the deviation/error refers to.

    Provide the translated paragraph or sentence where the
    deviation/error occurred.

    Describe the actions that were taken in order to correct the error.

    If you would like to add another deviation for this category, please select below:

    Examples for deviations or errors which might need correction: typos or spelling errors; punctuation errors; minor grammar errors (such as verb tense); missing words; wrong word order.

    Specify where in the text (translated version) the deviation occurred by providing the page number.

    Note: Find page number in the excel file “multipleye_stimuli_experiment_[lanuageCode].xlsx”, see column for page number.

    Location in the text:

    Provide the original paragraph or sentence to which the deviation/error refers to.

    Provide the translated paragraph or sentence where the deviation/error occurred.

    Describe the actions that were taken in order to correct the error.

    3. Comprehension Questions Deviations

    State any deviations, changes or amendments which that have occurred within the translation of the comprehension questions and their related answer options.

    Note: When referring to a specific comprehension question, please also include its item_id (for instance: “MPRC_PopSci_MultiplEYE_en_01111”).

    Example: If, due to the translation of a comprehension question into another language, the distractor span changes in a way that it disappears or cannot be used, and another distractor span needs to be selected.

    Specify where in the text (translated version) the deviation occurred by providing the page number.

    Location on the screen:

    Provide the original paragraph or sentence to which the deviation/error refers to.

    Provide the translated paragraph or sentence where the deviation/error occurred.

    Describe the actions that were taken in order to correct the error.

    If you would like to add another deviation for this category, please select below:

    Example: If, due to the translation of a comprehension question into another language, the distractor span changes in a way that it disappears or cannot be used, and another distractor span needs to be selected.

    Specify where in the text (translated version) the deviation occurred by providing the page number.

    Location on the screen:

    Provide the original paragraph or sentence to which the deviation/error refers to.

    Provide the translated paragraph or sentence where the deviation/error occurred.

    Describe the actions that were taken in order to correct the error.

    4. Display Deviations

    State any deviations, changes or amendments that might have occurred within the experimental screen alignment/stimulus text page alignment (i.e. due to major differences in word or sentence length / text length in your language).

    Specify where in the screen / page alignment the deviation occurred.

    Location on the screen:

    Provide the specific paragraph or sentence where the error occurred.

    Describe the actions that were taken in order to correct the error.

    If you would like to add another deviation for this category, please select below:

    Specify where in the screen / page alignment the deviation occurred.

    Location on the screen:

    Provide the specific paragraph or sentence where the error occurred.

    Describe the actions that were taken in order to correct the error.

    5. Other Deviations

    If applicable, state if there are any other deviations, changes, or amendments that might have occurred and do not fit within the above categories.

    Specify where it occurred.


    Describe the actions that were taken in order to correct the error.

    When you have submitted the form, you can download a copy by clicking on the appearing button. Please make sure to include this documentation form along with all the other required data documentation when sharing your data at the MultiplEYEStore.