OPEN Call for STSM (closed)

MultiplEYE opens the Call for Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM)

These calls are based upon the work performed within COST Action CA21131, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

Short term scientific missions (STSMs) consist of a visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time (please read the COST ANNOTATED RULES).
These Missions are aimed at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists to go to an institution or laboratory in another COST Country to foster collaboration, to learn a new technique or to take measurements using instruments and/or methods not available in their own institution/laboratory. STSM grants cannot be spent on the preparation of proposals for funding from any source.
Note that the aim of any STSMs shall be to contribute to the scientific objectives of MultiplEYE!


This means that the candidates can contact any member of the Action, propose a plan of the visit and ask for their support to host them.

If you do not have a particular host in mind, feel free to contact the Chair, Vice-chair and Grant
Awarding Coordinator of the Action and we can assist you (contact information can be found below).

  • The STSM can take place in the period from July to the end of September 2024, and can last from one week up to two months. The applicant and the host will agree on the duration, and the applicant will specify the time and duration in the application form.
  • The Evaluation Committee will verify that the duration proposed for the visit is in line with the proposed goals and activities.

No deadline. However, since this is an open call for the current grant period (see dates above), we encourage
you to apply as soon as possible.


The documents necessary for the application and the outline of the application process can be found at the official website, under the Activities, STSM section. Please read them, and the COST ANNOTATED RULES, Grant
Awarding User Guide, as well as this document carefully before applying!
Generally, the STSM application procedure will be conducted online via the e-COST PLATFORM. The following
documents are required:

  • STSM Application Form filled in on e-COST and downloaded from the system (including STSM title, start and end date, information about the Host Institution and contact person, and the budget requested by the Applicant)
  • COST Application Template (including STSM details, goals, work plan, and expected outputs; attached alongside this call)
  • Host agreement Support Letter (letter of support from the host institution, signed by the host and the institution’s legal representative. The Letter must clearly show the institution’s acceptance of the proposed period for the visit and of the proposed work plan of the applicant. Note: the draft of this document will be sent to the host who agrees to host the applicant (for this, contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator)
  • Brief CV (max. 2 pages)
  • Motivation Letter (a brief letter summarizing the main scientific goals, as well as its relevance for the applicant, home/host institutions, the MultiplEYE Action, etc.)
  • *Recommendation letter by someone from your institution (only if you are a PhD student and/or a research assistant!)

The STSMs are intended for any researcher affiliated to a legal entity based in either a COST Full/Cooperating
Member or a Near Neighbour Country.


An STSM Grant is a contribution up to maximum 4.000 EUR to the overall travel, accommodation, and meal
expenses of the Grantee. Please note that this is the absolute maximum and that you should request a
realistic amount.
Please also note that STSMs don’t support research costs. The Core Group decides on the
final financial contribution, taking into consideration MultiplEYE available resources, the budget requested, the
scope, the duration, and the location of the STSM.


The STSM Applications are evaluated by the STSM Committee including:
Grant Awarding Coordinator, Action Chair, Action Vice Chair and a Core Group Member
The STSM committee will evaluate all STSM applications within approximately a week upon receiving the
application. The selection of successful STSM applications is based on the scientific scope of the proposed mission and, most importantly, how the mission supports MultiplEYE in achieving its scientific objectives. Gender balance, career stage, and the distribution of STSMs among different countries will also be considered. The COST Action Evaluation Committee has the right to award less than the requested amount.
Once the selection process is complete the Applicant receives a formal notification through e-COST informing
him/her about the outcomes of the selection and whether the request has been approved or not. If the Application is funded, the Applicant receives a Grant Letter stating the approved amount and the conditions for receiving the Grant. The Applicant CANNOT in any case start his/her mobility period before having received the Grant Letter.

  • The relevance of the proposed exchange towards the MultiplEYE Action objectives
  • The quality and clarity of the proposed research, and the motivation behind it
  • The feasibility of the proposed activities
  • The academic profile of the researcher
  • The output potential of the research carried out (deliverables)
  • The coherence between the proposed budget and the duration and destination of the visit. Applicants are
  • strongly encouraged to consider the COST rules about funding the STSMs when preparing their budget.

After the completion of the STSM, the grantee is required to submit a scientific report via e-COST and to send
it by email to the Grant Awarding Coordinator within 30 days after the STSM has been completed. As the end of the second grant period is approaching, we advise you to upload the report as soon as possible, ideally
within the week upon return.

The Applicant and the host are also required to send to the Grant Awarding Coordinator a confirmation letter
from the host institution
stating the successful achievement of the foreseen goals (with the signature of the local
supervisor and/or legal representative). The draft of this letter can be sent to the host by the Grant Awarding Coordinator upon request.
Upon approval of the scientific report by the STSM Committee the Grant will be processed and paid directly to the grantee within 30 days.

  1. Grant Awarding Coordinator – Ana Matić Škorić (questions related to the application procedure and organization of the STSM)
  2. Action Chair / Vice Chair – Nora Hollenstein / Lena Jäger (questions related to the MultiplEYE objectives)
  3. Action Grant Holder Manager – Anna Bondar (questions related to the e-COST, Grant Letter and financial matters)

Important: The applicants must contact the potential host, discuss the proposal of the envisioned work plan and
the week(s) of stay, and obtain a Host agreement Support Letter which is to be uploaded via e-COST. Note that
a Host agreement Support Letter does not guarantee that you will be selected.
