Mohd Faizan Ansari is a PhD student at Silesian University of Technology, Poland. His research explores the relationship between language and gender. He completed his STSM at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences from 22/02/2024 to 08/03/2024. During the STSM period he learned how to operate, set up and perform reading task experiments using Eyelink Duo and translated data for MultiplEYE stimuli in his native language (Hindi).
Capturing Vision: My STSM Expedition with MultiplEYE in Zagreb, Croatia
I Sharing my Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) journey at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, funded by the European Co-operation in Science and Technology (COST), fills me with excitement. From the outset, my STSM adventure was a whirlwind of inquiry and revelation, delving into the realm of eye tracking and reading tasks within the ongoing MultiplEYE project.
Collaborating with my gracious hosts, Ana Matić Škorić, Eva Pavlinusic, and Prof Marijan Palmovic, illuminated the path ahead, revealing the profound value this experience would hold for my professional trajectory.
A primary objective of my STSM was crafting video tutorials for MultiplEYE, aimed at simplifying the operation of Eyelink for reading tasks in MultiplEYE experiments. These instructional videos covered everything from Eyelink setup and user calibration to executing reading task experiments within MultiplEYE.
Significant effort was also invested in translating reading task materials and questionnaires into my native language, Hindi. This endeavour not only enriched the MultiplEYE corpus by introducing Indian language resources but also fostered diversity within the project.
Immersing myself in hands-on experiences during my STSM deepened my understanding of eye tracking methodologies in reading task experiments. Guided diligently by my hosts and colleagues, I honed skills in experiment material creation and videography, poised to make a positive impact on my future endeavours.
Beyond my contributions to the MultiplEYE project, I seized moments to explore the vibrant culture of the city and enjoyed some good time with other expats. My colleagues unwavering support and camaraderie enriched my experience immeasurably.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ana Matić Škorić for her exceptional support throughout my STSM, and to COST action and MultiplEYE for affording me this invaluable opportunity for collaboration and growth. Looking ahead, I eagerly anticipate continuing my collaboration with Ana Matić Škorić and the other members of the MultiplEYE project.
Collaborating with my gracious hosts, Ana Matić Škorić, Eva Pavlinusic, and Prof Marijan Palmovic, illuminated the path ahead, revealing the profound value this experience would hold for my professional trajectory.
A primary objective of my STSM was crafting video tutorials for MultiplEYE, aimed at simplifying the operation of Eyelink for reading tasks in MultiplEYE experiments. These instructional videos covered everything from Eyelink setup and user calibration to executing reading task experiments within MultiplEYE.
Significant effort was also invested in translating reading task materials and questionnaires into my native language, Hindi. This endeavour not only enriched the MultiplEYE corpus by introducing Indian language resources but also fostered diversity within the project.
Immersing myself in hands-on experiences during my STSM deepened my understanding of eye tracking methodologies in reading task experiments. Guided diligently by my hosts and colleagues, I honed skills in experiment material creation and videography, poised to make a positive impact on my future endeavours.
Beyond my contributions to the MultiplEYE project, I seized moments to explore the vibrant culture of the city and enjoyed some good time with other expats. My colleagues unwavering support and camaraderie enriched my experience immeasurably.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ana Matić Škorić for her exceptional support throughout my STSM, and to COST action and MultiplEYE for affording me this invaluable opportunity for collaboration and growth. Looking ahead, I eagerly anticipate continuing my collaboration with Ana Matić Škorić and the other members of the MultiplEYE project.