The training school will take place on January 23-25 2025 in Zagreb, Croatia, at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences.
The training school will bring together individuals who are planning to collect data for the MultiplEYE
Eyetracking-while-Reading Corpus (see in their lab. The goal is to provide hands-on training and address open questions to ensure high data quality and a maximal degree of
consistency in the experimental procedures across different labs.
This training school will prepare participants to contribute to the MultiplEYE Corpus and is targeted at
researchers, students, and lab assistants who will be conducting the experiment. The school will include both theoretical content and, primarily, practical hands-on eye-tracking sessions (using Eyelink devices), providing a detailed overview of the entire MultiplEYE data collection procedure. Participants will be guided through every step of the process, from participant briefing and demographic questionnaire to the eye-tracking-while-reading experiment and the psychometric tests. Additionally, participants will be familiarized with best practices, as well as practical tips and tricks for running eye-tracking experiments (calibration, validation, dominant eye testing, etc.) from a general perspective.
The detailed agenda will be published on the MultiplEYE website ( in the coming days.
Prerequisites for Participation:
- The stimuli (texts and comprehension questions) and experiment instructions for the respective languagemust be finalized before the training school.
- Participants must be planning to collect data in their lab.
- Participants must have read the Experimenter Script and the Data Collection Guidelines before thetraining school.
Please note that even Master’s students are eligible to apply for this training school. There is a limited number of
places eligible for reimbursement by COST. Note also that priority will be given to less experienced members who
will collect the data for MultiplEYE and fulfill the criteria outlined above.
If you are interested in attending, please send the application form via e-mail to (subject: “TS Zagreb application <your name>”). The application form includes some personal information and a brief motivation statement.
The selection will be based on the letter of motivation, taking into account geographic and gender balance, and
inclusiveness of Early Career Investigators. Priority will be given to the applications coming from the ITC. The list
of participants selected for reimbursement will be announced after the application deadline.
Applications must be submitted by December 18, 2024!
Formal invitations will be sent out to the selected participants via the e-COST platform. Therefore, it is obligatory
that you have an e-COST profile!
According to the COST rules, all participants that are eligible for reimbursement are expected to initially pay the expenses themselves and provide evidence of expenses incurred via the e-COST platform. Participants will be reimbursed after the training school. Please read the latest version of the Travel Reimbursement Rules carefully
for more details on reimbursement upon the completion of the event.
Please note that for labs who are planning to collect data, but have not prepared the translations yet, a second
edition of this training school will be held in summer 2025 at the same location.