Training school on MultiplEYE data collection

Zagreb, 23 – 25 January 2025

The first training school on MultiplEYE data collection took place on January 23-25 in Zagreb, Croatia, at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. The aim of the training school was to bring together individuals who are planning to collect data for the MultiplEYE Eyetracking-while-Reading Corpus and provide them with hands-on training on the MultiplEYE data collection procedure.

Researchers, students, and lab assistants from fifteen countries participated in the training school, led by the Action Chair Lena Jäger and a team of the MultiplEYE trainers. During the three days in Zagreb, the soon-to-be MultiplEYE experimenters became familiar with every step of the data collection procedure, as well as with best practices for running eye-tracking experiments. During the hands-on sessions, the participants practiced the entire MultiplEYE data collection procedure in small groups, under the guidance of the trainers. Questions that arose during the practical sessions were discussed at the end of each day, while in the evenings the discussions were continued in less formal settings.

Testimony from Mircea Marin, participant in the Training school on MultiplEYE data collection, Roumania

In January I had the chance to participate in the training school on data collection hosted in Zagreb, at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. During those three days, we went through a crash course on performing eye tracking experiments in accordance with MultiplEYE guidelines, from the basics to the advanced, as well as some awesome tips and tricks that I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. This experience in itself was very valuable for me, as I had only translated the stimuli before, and my experience with actually collecting data was rather limited.
However, this is certainly not the end of it — what really made my stay in Zagreb memorable were the people I met there. From our gracious hosts and organizers, who never hesitated to answer all of my (sometimes silly) questions, to fellow researchers from the data collection labs for other languages, everyone had interesting insights to share and contributed to a really fun and welcoming atmosphere!
What more is there to say? Whether practicing eye-tracking at the Biocentar, savoring some variety of kale in the students’ cafeteria, or wandering the streets downtown near one of at least three equestrian statues, I really enjoyed the time spent in Zagreb.
A heartfelt hvala to Eva and all the organizers who made this possible!

Next Training School

If you are planning to collect data for MultiplEYE, join us at the next training school in Zagreb in a few months (Summer 2025)! The information on the dates, venue and application procedure will be published on the MultiplEYE website.
