28-29 September 2023
Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb
On the 28th and 29th of September 2023, in the beautiful city of Zagreb, 30 participants from WG1 of MultiplEYE Cost Action gathered to discuss and finalize the data collection issues and experimental design. The event started with a pleasant gathering, providing a good opportunity to engage in discussions regarding the progress made in the MultiplEYE project thus far.

Marijan Palmovic, Anna Matić Skoric and all the local organizers, ensured that the participants felt welcomed in the University of Zagreb, creating a good atmosphere for the two days of work ahead. Following, Nora Hollenstein provided an update to all attendees regarding the ‘Data Collection Guidelines’ and the ‘Data Management Plan’, initiating discussions and new thoughts on all the included steps within these guidelines.

Further on, the participants were able to witness a demonstration of the eye-tracking experiment using an EyeLink Portable Duo device. Deborah Jakobi, Chiara Tschirner, and Cui Ding illustrated the process and functionalities of the eye-tracking experimental setup. Subsequently, a volunteer from the Zagreb organizing team, carried out the complete experiment, offering insights into the overall time required to execute the whole experiment.

In the second part of the day, Ramunė Kaspere provided an overview of the status for the stimuli collection in each language, emphasizing the necessity to finish the missing information as soon as possible. Maja Stegenwallner-Schuetz and Yevgeni Berzak introduced the new guideline for the comprehension questions, and a core group was selected to assess whether the comprehension questions follow the new guidelines. An important point was the finalization of the participants survey and the decision to include a psychometric test during the experiment.

Following a day filled with discussions, we enjoyed a walk around the city and had the possibility to try the delicious Croation cuisine in a joint dinner. This provided a wonderful chance to engage in conversation and gain insights into the research work of the group members, reinforcing our commitment to collaborate and leverage each other strengths. Also, it was a great possibility to recharge before the upcoming day of work.

The second day of the meeting started with a recap of the previous day’s remarks. Marie-Luise Müller, representing the Leibniz Institute for Psychology, presented the MultiplEYEStore which led to discussions and the decisions on the filtering options to be incorporated into the final dataset. The two last topics in the second day were ‘Data quality criteria’ and ‘Data sharing policy’.
The data will be made available through the research centre of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology and all the participants were familiarized with the way they can use the data which is going to be collected from different labs.
Final remarks and future tasks waiting the members of WG1 are:
1. the finalization of the comprehension questions;
2. determining the type of psychometric tests to include in the experiment;
3. pilot and test the current experimental setup before starting the real experiments;
4. translate the comprehension question in all the languages included in the project.
by Alba Haveriku, “Polytechnic University of Tirana”, Albania