A large multilingual eye-tracking corpus will provide a long-awaited resource for tackling psycholinguistic research questions from a cross-linguistic perspective and hence allow for more generalizable results. WG 3 will make use of this resource and, by means of statistical hypothesis testing as well as computational cognitive modelling, will address questions such as (i) the variability in reading patterns across languages and the study of bilingualism (e.g., Basque-Spanish or Romansh-German); (ii) individual differences and differences between subpopulations; (iii) a large-scale cross linguistic evaluation of psycholinguistic theories on natural reading and, more generally, on sentence processing; (iv) studying text readability and reading comprehension. WG 3 is tightly coupled with WG 1 and will be in close contact to corroborate the linguistic characteristics of the reading corpus and the additional assessments to be conducted.
- Publications in (psycho-)linguistics journals based on collected data addressing the research questions of this Working Group
- Training School in statistics and computational modelling for psycholinguistics
- Workshop to address cross-linguistic research questions

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Language & Literature, Norway
Email: mila.vulchanova@ntnu.no