Thank you for your interest in contributing to the MultiplEYE core data collection! Your involvement not only shapes something entirely new but also offers you the unique benefit of a wide-reaching publication, amplifying the impact of your contributions in the research community.
- Begin by reviewing our guidelines. Within these guidelines, you will find all the necessary information and requirements for participating in the data collection, along with helpful FAQ’s regarding your contribution. The guidelines provide step-by-step instructions, covering pre-registering, implementing the experiment for your language, data preprocessing and data sharing.
- Pre-register your data collection by submitting the pre-registration form. We will collect a few pieces of information about your lab and the devices you will use (e.g. type of eye tracker, resolution, monitor size, etc.) to facilitate the MultiplEYE reading experiment.
- After you have submitted the pre-registration, you will receive a confirmation from us, indicating that you can begin with preparing the experiment for your language. Then, follow each step which is described within our guidelines.