Core Group Online Meeting 2, January 13, 2023
The second core group meeting of MultiplEYE was held online via Zoom on January, 13, 2023. The following agenda was discussed:
WG1 Virtual Workshop on Data Collection, January 10, 2023
MultiplEYE WG1 members had e virtual workshop on January 10th, 2023. The main objective of the workshop was data collection and management. In order to establish a foundation of common knowledge on which to build a collaboration, data collection plans and eye tracking data structures were discussed with the MultiplEYE’s collaborator from Leibniz Institute for…
First Working Group 2 Online Meeting on 21.12.2022
The different perspective brought by the combination of different fields at the first WG2 meeting was valuable in better planning the work to be done. During the online meeting, the members presented helpful feedback and valuable suggestions. The WG Leader Duygun Erol Barkana discussed with the WG members about:
Core Group Online Meeting 1, November 15, 2022
The Core Group consists of the Action Chair, Vice-Chair, Working Group Leaders, the Science Communication Officer, the Grant Awarding Coordinator, and the Grant Holder Scientific Representative. The Core Group has delegated powers from the management committee. MultiplEYE Core Group met at its first meeting on November 15th, 2022. The meeting was held online. The MultiplEYE…