Webinar organised for the data collection
The MultiplEYE COST Action (CA21131) organized a webinar on 11 June 2024 to introduce the kick off eye-tracking data collection. The eye-tracking experiment has been carefully designed and implemented and several labs are ready to start the data collection in their language. During a 30 minute presentation by the chairs Nora Hollenstein and Lena Jaeger,…
Insights from the 2nd Workshop on Eye Movements and Reading Comprehension in Zürich
The 2nd Workshop on Eye Movements and the Assessment of Reading Comprehension took place on June 20–22, 2024 in Zürich, Switzerland. It was organized by Lena Jäger (University of Zürich), Titus von der Malsburg (University of Stuttgart) and Yevgeni Berzak (Technion Israel Institute of Technology). The workshop lasted for two formal days, followed by a…
STSM testimonial – Preparing the experimental materials and setting up the experiment in the lab
When I applied for the Short-term Scientific Mission at the University of Zurich, I sort of expected that the people from the Department of Computer Linguistics would be good at technologies. But, when I actually arrived at the department, the first thing I saw, and especially heard, were drones—hovering, flying through the corridors, buzzing from…
OPEN Call for STSM (closed)
MultiplEYE opens the Call for Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) These calls are based upon the work performed within COST Action CA21131, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Short term scientific missions (STSMs) consist of a visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator…