WG2 Meeting in Poland, April 6-7, 2024.
Working Group 2 (WG2) Meeting of CA21131 – MultiplEYE was held in Wrocław, Poland, on April 6-7, 2024. 14 members of MultiplEYE participated and during two days of meetings, there was an embracing environment with very active participation.
Call is ClOSED – MultiplEYE opens the Call for Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM)
MultiplEYE opens the Call for Short-Term Scientific Mission WITHOUT A SPECIFIED HOST INSTITUTION. The candidates can contact any member of the Action, propose a plan of the visit and ask for their support to host them. STSM can take place from end of May 2024 to mid-September 2024, and can last from one week up…
Call is closed – WG1 & WG3 meeting in Kaunas
The meeting will take place on 16-17 May 2024, in Kaunas, Lithuania at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology. The main objective of the meeting is to provide support for the eye-tracking experiment, give detailed instructions for the data collection (WG1) and plan future WG activities related to…
The 2nd Workshop on Eye Movements and the Assessment of Reading Comprehension
Effective and widely available reading assessments are fundamental for education, and instrumental for early diagnosis of reading difficulties, enabling timely and targeted intervention. In this workshop, we explore how eye-tracking and machine learning technologies can enhance reading assessments.