Funded projects 2024
In 2024, MultiplEYE’s network members have continued to foster funding support to shape the digital transformation of society through eye-tracking. Check the list of projects funded during 2024, showcasing MultiplEYE’s dedication to advancing research in various subfields of linguistics.
Scientific Publications (2024)
Check out MultiplEYE scientific publications comming out from collaborations between MultiplEYE network members from January to July 2024.
STSM testimonial – Designing a cross-linguistic task of linguistic competence
Maja Stegenwallner-Schütz is currently a guest professor at the Institute of Rehabilitation Science at the Humboldt-University of Berlin. She contributes to the development and validation of the reading comprehension stimuli of the MultiplEYE data collection and oversees the translation process. She also participated in the selection of psychometric tests as well as in the development…
MultiplEYE mid-term Conference
The conference will take place on 12-13 September 2024, in Tirana, Albania at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of New York in Tirana, Albania. Submission topics can include: Eye-tracking data collection & data management; Eye-tracking experiment design & methodology; Eye-tracking for psycholinguistic research questions; Eye-tracking for natural language processing;