MultiplEYE aims to augment the potential of the MultiplEYE COST Action with additional research funding inside the network.
Funded Projects 2025
MultiplEYE DK – Contributing eye-tracking data from Danish, Italian, and West Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)
The project “MultiplEYE DK – Contributing eye-tracking data from Danish, Italian, and West Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)” is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation for the grant period March 2025 – March 2027. The project team consists of Patrizia Paggio, Alberto Parola and Johanne Sofie Krog Nedergård, from the University of Copenhagen, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (https://cst.ku.dk/english/).
The aim of this project is to contribute Danish, Italian, and West Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) to the international MultiplEYE corpus of eye-tracking data. Danish is especially important to include in the MultiplEYE eye-tracking corpus due to the inconsistent relationship between orthography and phonology. Kalaallisut is particularly interesting because it has an extremely complex morphology, and no studies currently exist of how such a language is read or processed psycholinguistically. Italian is known for having a transparent orthography, offering an interesting comparison with Danish; moreover, very few studies have currently investigated reading behavior with eye-tracking in Italian.
Funded projects 2024
In 2024, MultiplEYE’s network members have continued to foster funding support to shape the digital transformation of society through eye-tracking. The following projects funded during 2024, showcase MultiplEYE’s dedication to advancing research in various subfields of linguistics.
Funded Projects 2023
Prof. Lena Jäger won an Open Science grant by swissuniversities. MultiplEYEStore aims to support MultiplEYE by making all the collected data accessible via un interface with a data repository hosted by PsychArchives. The project will also enhance the collaboration with Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) in Trier.AI4Debunk: Participative Assistive AI-powered Tools for Supporting Trustworthy Online Activity of Citizens and Debunking Disinformation
Jamal Nasir (WG4 leader), along with his consortium, has successfully secured a Horizon Europe project with a budget of €4.9 million. AI4Debunk will explore and develop AI and NLP methods for debunking Disinformation. One of the Work Packages will also investigate whether eye-tracking data can reveal differences in human perception when it comes to viewing true and False News. The project is coordinated by Prof. Inna Šteinbuka (University of Latvia), with 14 partner organisations from 8 countries (Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Latvia, and Ukraine). More information on this project: Home – AI4Debunk
Funded Projects (December 2022)
- The language leak: the statistics of language as a novel window into the multilingual mind. Awarded to Stefan Frank by the Dutch Research Council. 2023-2027.
- Language emergence and development in the absence of a conventionalized linguistic model. Awarded to Funda Yildirim by BIDEB, Jan 2019-Dec 2022.
- External research grant from the Foundation for Research in Science and the Humanities at the University of Zurich to partially fund the data collection.
Title: “Creating a Multilingual Eye-Tracking Corpus for Human and Machine-Based Language Processing” - Internal funding from Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich for setting up data management system and data repository.
- External research grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Croatian Science Foundation collection.
Title: “Measurement Reliability of Individual Differences in Sentence Processing” - External industry funding from EyeLOGIC GmbH (Berlin) who is willing to lend one eye-tracker to the Action’s researchers.
Negotiations in progress - External grant for data management & storage by Swiss Universities.
Grant application under review.